Ticehurst Youth Group

Providing activities,
support and fun
for the young people of
Ticehurst and surrounding villages
TICEHURST YOUTH GROUP IS IN THE VILLAGE Hall. time 5.00pm until 6.30pm on Tuesdays.
working on a makeover for the new tyg stage room.
refurbed pool tables, new lighting and decorating!
Scroll down to the bottom of the home page to watch Matt skateboarding ….
Activities to try!

Our Mission
The aims and values of Ticehurst Youth Group is to provide a safe environment for all children and young people. With the opportunity to socialise, have fun through play, education and develop self-confidence. Through this interaction, we hope they will also learn how to value self and others, so they can start to for-fill their potential within themselves and the community.

A bit of background…
Ticehurst Youth Group was set up in October 2017 and is located in The Club of Ticehurst Village Institute.
The young people are between the ages of 10 years and 17 years old, with an average of 24 young people attending the Tuesday evening sessions.
The Group has 2 trained youth workers and 2 volunteers.
We provide crafts/cooking, sports activities from Boom Active, card/board games, two pool tables, snooker table, table tennis, table football, as well as doing themed educational activities.
It has become a charity and has been funded by the kind donations of the Limden Vineyard, Ticehurst Parish Council, The Police Property Act, Ticehurst News & Views and many local people, of which, we thank you all.
Activities at TYG!
From cooking to craft and skateboarding to slime, there’s always fun to be had at Ticehurst Youth Group
Skate boarding
Lead youth worker Matt, shows us how it’s done…

Skate boarding
Second attempt!