Bit of general knowledge for you ….
- How many zeros are there in the number one thousand?
- Who is Anna’s sister in the Disney film Frozen?
- What is a young sheep called?
- How many weeks are in a year?
- In what country is the Great Barrier Reef?
- What does water turn into when it is frozen solid?
- What is half of the number fifty?
- Name as many planets in our solar system as you can (a point for each)
- What is the biggest ocean on Earth?
- When Humpty Dumpty was sitting on a wall, what happened next?
- In Peppa Pig, what is Peppa’s little brother called?
- Which one of these is a fish: A shark, a whale or a dolphin?
- What do we call someone who travels to space in a rocket?
- What is the little mermaid’s name in the Disney film?
- How many colours are there in the rainbow? (and a bonus for naming them)
- What do caterpillars turn into?
- In what country are the pyramids?
- What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?
- What is the tallest animal in the world?
- Paris is the capital city of which country?
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